
Radiata Pine Panels 
Our knot-free Radiata Pine is a great option for manufacturers of painted furniture and kitchens.
  • 605 x 2400 x 12mm
  • 605 x 2400 x 18mm
  • 605 x 2400 x 25mm
  • 605 x 2400 x 30mm
Knotless Radiata Pine
Pinus radiata, family Pinaceae, the Monterey pine, insignis pine or radiata pine, is a species of pine native to the Central Coast of California and Mexico (Guadalupe Island and Cedros island).

Pinus radiata is a versatile, fast-growing, medium-density softwood, suitable for a wide range of uses. Its silviculture is highly developed, and is built on a firm foundation of over a century of research, observation and practice.

As timber radiata is suitable for a wide variety of uses, and has a resinous fragrance while being worked. It holds screws and nails well and takes paint and stain without difficulty – and modern kiln dried timber is very easy to work.

Source: Wikipedia

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